Helong (Timor)

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Helong (Helon, Semau, Kupang)

Spoken in

Indonesia (West Timor)
speaker 14,000
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


The Helong are a people on the Indonesian island of Semau and on the extreme western tip of the island of Timor , where they live in four villages near Tenau and scattered as far as the Amarasi region. The population consists of around 15,000 to 20,000 people, 14,000 of whom still speak their own Helong language. The Helong originally settled the entire region around today's provincial capital Kupang , but were ousted by the Atoin Meto .


The languages ​​of Timor

A distinction is made between the island Helong (Helong Pulau) and on Timor Helong Darat (Bolok) and Funai (Land-Helong) as dialects.

Language example

Thank you - Nodan mamomamo

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elite.net