Henn Põlluaas

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Henn Põlluaas (2015)

Henn Põlluaas (born February 16, 1960 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian politician. He has been President of the Estonian Parliament ( Riigikogu ) since April 2019 .


Henn Põlluaas was born in 1960 in the capital of what was then the Estonian SSR . After graduating from high school in his hometown in 1978, he attended Tallinn University . He completed his art studies there in 1985. In the following years he worked for the Estonian television and from 1988 for various other companies in Estonia.


In 2005 Põlluaas was first elected to the Saue City Council. Since 2012 he has been a member of the Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE). In the same year he was elected mayor of Saue. In the 2015 general election , Henn Põlluaas entered the Estonian parliament ( Riigikogu ) for his party . In 2017 he became deputy chairman of EKRE. In the 2019 election he was able to defend his mandate and the new parliament elected him President at its constituent session on April 4, 2019.


Henn Põlluaas is married and has a son and a daughter. His hobbies include reading, painting and fishing.

Political positions

Like other members of the EKRE, Põlluaas takes a number of controversial positions. So he belongs u. a. to those who demand from Russia the return of the areas around Pechory , which became part of Estonia after the peace of Dorpat . As President of Parliament, however, he makes an effort in public appearances, such as B. his speech on the Estonian Independence Day 2020, also appear moderate. Against the background of increasing global demarcation and political confrontation, he called for a united Estonia and respectful interaction between all.

Web links

Commons : Henn Põlluaas  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • CV (Estonian Parliament)

Individual evidence

  1. Põlluaas, Seeder, Kallas elected Riigikogu president, vice-presidents , ERR , March 2, 2020, accessed on March 5, 2020. (English)
  2. Toomas Sildam: Speaker Põlluaas knows how to surprise , ERR , April 4, 2019, accessed on May 24, 2019. (English)