Henri-Paul Pellaprat

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Henri-Paul Pellaprat (* 1869 in Paris , † 1952 there ) was a French cook and author of a cookbook.


He began his training at the Academie d'Art Culinaire de Paris, founded in December 1885, on January 14th, 1896. Finally, he became head chef at the French restaurant " Le Cordon Bleu " . Depending on the source, he held this post for between 32 and 40 years. Henri-Paul Pellaprat is the author of the standard culinary work "L´Art Culinaire Moderne" , which has so far been translated into five languages; German: "Der Grosse Pellaprat. The modern French and international culinary art" , new version by Walter Bickel, Verlag René Kramer, Lausanne, 1969, approx. 800 pages, with many opulent color photos.

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