Henri-Pierre-Abdon Castelnau

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Henri-Pierre-Abdon Castelnau

Henri-Pierre-Abdon Castelnau (born July 30, 1814 in Prades , Département Pyrénées-Orientales , † 1890 in Paris ) was a French general and adjutant general of Napoleon III.

The general was Napoleon III's personal envoy. from September 1866 to March 1867 in Mexico with Emperor Maximilian . At Sedan he was captured together with Emperor Napoleon. On Bismarck's question regarding the handover of the imperial sword, whether the emperor surrendered only for himself or for France, Castelnau replied that the emperor surrendered only for himself.


  • Georges Girard: La Vie et les Souvenirs du Général Castelnau, 1814–1890 . - Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1930