Henri de Laulanie

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Henri de Laulanie , also Henri de Laulanie de Saint Croix , (born February 22, 1920 in Poitou , France, † June 23, 1995 in Madagascar ) was a French Jesuit and agricultural engineer who developed the System of Rice Intensification (German: System of rice intensification).


In 1961 the Jesuit came to Madagascar. There he founded an agricultural school for the poor rural population in the 1980s and the NGO “Association Tefy Saina” in 1990 , which teaches and develops the System of Rice Intensification .

On June 23, 1995 he died in his ancestral monastery in Madagascar.

SRI - System of Rice Intensification

SRI means something like system of rice intensification . This system is used to increase rice production by consistently supporting the growth and vigor of each individual rice plant. Agriculture in Madagascar is very dependent on rice, so large rice productions are important. In the meantime, SRI is also used in other countries, e. B. in Bihar ( India ).


  • Henri De Laulanié: Technical presentation of the system of rice intensification, based on Katayama's tillering model. Association Tefy Saina, 1993. Technical presentation ... (PDF; 241 kB)
  • Henri De Laulanié: Le riz à Madagascar. Karthala, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-84586-415-9 .
