Herbert Fischer-Solms

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Herbert Fischer-Solms (born December 11, 1946 in Löbau ), actually Herbert M. Fischer , is a German sports journalist .


At the beginning of the 1950s , his parents fled with him from the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany and settled in Solms . He began his professional career as a trainee at the Gießener Allgemeine Zeitung , then worked for a year in Kassel as a journalist for a church newspaper and then for three and a half years as a sports reporter for the Wiesbadener Kurier . From 1973 to the end of 2011, Fischer-Solms worked for Deutschlandfunk in Cologne, where he made sports policy and especially reporting on doping his main focus. For this commitment he received the Heidi-Krieger-Medal of the Doping Victims Aid Association in 2012. Jochen Staadt gave the laudatory speech . "Addressing undesirable developments and grievances," said Staadt in this, had made Fischer-Solms "a widely respected personality" in his journalistic work. For him, Deutschlandfunk was a “professional stroke of luck”, said Fischer-Solms. Fischer-Solms stayed several times during his professional career as a "travel correspondent" in the GDR and, according to his own statement, was able to look into GDR sports, including exchanging ideas with two relatives who were sports club chairmen in the GDR, as well as working with the high-ranking sports officials in the state such as Manfred Ewald . In 2012, Fischer-Solms criticized the fact that the German Olympic Sports Confederation, in the person of its Chairman of the Board Michael Vesper , included medals won in the GDR as well as during National Socialism in its own track record. "You cash in on the GDR's successes, you write it on your own flags, but you don't take responsibility for what happened there in terms of crimes, faults and what still exists today," said Fischer-Solms.

He adopted the nickname “Solms”, which was derived from his place of residence, in order to be able to better distinguish himself from his long-time colleague Peter C. Fischer , the former head of the sports department of Deutschlandfunk. The connection between his actual surname and the addition made for his nickname "Fiso".

Fischer-Solms is still present in journalism, for example on Deutschlandfunk and in the left-wing daily Junge Welt .


  • “Sunday voice with the best posture marks. Herbert Fischer-Solms receives the anti-doping prize. ”By Ines Geipel. Berliner Zeitung, April 20, 2012
  • Entry in the sports journalists' pocketbook 2000, p. 84

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b On the way with Herbert Fischer-Solms S02E02 - German-German sports history. Accessed December 10, 2019 (German).
  2. a b c Out and about with Herbert Fischer-Solms S02E01 - index cards. Accessed December 10, 2019 (German).
  3. a b http://c4f.sirius.uberspace.de/fileadmin/user_upload/vermischtes/0_doping/2012/2012_Laudatio_Jochen_Staadt.pdf
  4. On the way with Herbert Fischer-Solms S02E03 - Doping in the GDR. Accessed December 10, 2019 (German).
  5. Scandals and doping in sport “It shouldn't always be about titles” [Interview by Philipp May ], see: [1] .
  6. "Football is not a sport" [Interview by Jürgen Roth ], Junge Welt, April 20, 2020, p. 16.