Hermann Keussen the Elder

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Hermann Keussen (* 1829 ; † 1894 ) was a German teacher and regional historian of the Lower Rhine .

In 1864 he became a teacher at the higher citizen school in Krefeld . In Krefeld he became a district school inspector and in 1893 received the title of city school councilor. He was best known for his publications on the history of the Lower Rhine.

In Krefeld, the Catholic primary school Hermann-Keussen-Schule reminded of the school board until 2009.

His sons were the Cologne city archivist Hermann Keussen (1862–1943) and the Old Catholic theologian Rudolf Keussen (1877–1944).

Publications (selection)

  • History of the town and glory of Crefeld with constant reference to the history of the county of Moers . Krefeld 1865.
  • The noble women's monastery in Meer near Neuss. In memory of the foundation of this monastery, which was carried out 700 years ago . Krefeld 1866.
  • The Catholic parish in Crefeld from the time it was established until it was divided into three parishes, a commemorative publication . Krefeld 1867.
  • Annual report of the Craftsmen and Education Association in Crefeld on the association year 1873/1874 . Krefeld 1874.


  • Joachim Lilla: Hermann Keussen the Elder (1829-1894). A souvenir sheet for the 100th anniversary of the death of the Krefeld city history researcher . In: The home. Krefelder Jahrbuch 65, 1994, p. 189ff.
  • Lothar Neubauer: Hermann Keussen, first Krefeld school councilor . In: The home. Krefelder Jahrbuch 67, 1996, p. 127ff.

Web links

Wikisource: Hermann Keussen the Elder  - Writings by and about Hermann Keussen


  1. ^ WZ: Two schools are growing together , online March 2, 2009 [1] .