Hermann Lüken-Klaßen

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Hermann Lüken-Klaßen (born June 2, 1924 in Ahlen , † March 10, 1994 in Renkenberge ) was a German politician ( center / CDU ). He was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament several times.

After attending school, Hermann Lüken-Klaßen completed specialist agricultural training and worked as a farmer. His official name was Lüken Genannt Klaßen, because his ancestor Hermann Lüken married the court heiress Anna Klaßen, but the old court name was retained in popular parlance, so that - quite common in the Emsland - it was called Lüken Genannt Klaßen in official documents. From 1942 to 1945 he was deployed in World War II and returned seriously injured in 1945. After the Second World War, he was the founder in 1947 and first chairman of the District Youth Association in Aschendorf-Hümmling until 1952. After parties were allowed to found again, he joined the Catholic Center Party, which was dominant in Emsland before 1933. In 1951 he ran for the state elections on May 6th as the center’s top candidate in the Aschendorf-Hümmling constituency, but was defeated by the CDU / DP representative, District Administrator Johann Heermann, with 6621 votes. On April 25, 1953, he moved up as fifth on the center state list in the Lower Saxony state parliament, as several members of the parliament followed suit through a recalculation of the election results after the right-wing radical Socialist Reich Party was banned. He was a member of the center parliamentary group until October 1953 and remained represented in the state parliament until the end of the second electoral term in 1955. He was also elected to the district council in 1952 on the Zentrum / CDU list. Lüken-Klaßen made a name for himself as a helper in social matters and as a representative of agricultural interests, initially above all for the numerous hirers in the Emsland, whose settlement and housing construction he promoted. When the Lower Saxony state parliament debated a new electoral law in 1954, which with its five percent clause was supposed to oust small parties like the center from the state parliament, it voted against the party opinion for the new law and joined the CDU with his parliamentary colleague Gregor Dall, with whom they had both previously had negotiated. After he left the state parliament in 1955, he became one of the most important CDU politicians from the district level, where he became chairman of the CDU district parliamentary group in 1960. In 1963 he came back to the state parliament as a CDU direct candidate. In the fifth and sixth electoral terms, he was also a member of the state parliament from 1963 to 1970. Because of his lavish on the question of community and district reform, he came under criticism of young party friends as a unilateral agricultural professional representative, so that they voted him out as a candidate for the state parliament with Walter Remmers at the head. In 1966, Lüken-Klaßen had prevailed within the party against his brother Werner Remmers, who was then put up as a direct candidate in Lingen. Disappointed by his disembarkation from the district council, Lüken-Klaßen resigned from the CDU after the CDU did not even list him in 1973. He applied for a community of voters for the district council and for the Dörpener Samtgemeinderat. Although he was no longer a member of the district council, he was a member of the Samtgemeinderat for one legislative period. Seriously injured in the war and thus handicapped for life, his health deteriorated further due to a serious accident at work and a traffic accident in 1969 on the way back from a session of the state parliament. Since then the farmer has only been able to move with a walking aid. Since a stroke in 1987, he was dependent on a wheelchair and care.

In 1956 he was the founder and first chairman of the Junge Union in his district, where he was also district chairman of the CDU's local political association. In 1964 he became mayor of the community of Ahlen in Lower Saxony and from 1964 to 1972 mayor of his home village Ahlen, from 1965 to 1972 he was also mayor of the joint community of Kluse.


  • Helmut Lensing / Paul Thoben: Art. Lüken-Klaßen (Lüken called Klaßen), Hermannmm, in: Emsländische Geschichte 25, Haselünne 2018, pp. 273–290 (detailed biography).
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 243.