Mr. Fix and done

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Mr. Fix and Done is a fairy tale ( ATU 554). In the Grimm Brothers' children's and house tales, it was only in the first edition of 1812 in place 16 (KHM 16a).


The soldier Fix und Fertig is bored after the war, so he serves a gentleman, he knows everything. He asks for a test about his current desire and is satisfied when he receives a pipe with tobacco. He tells him to fetch the Princess Nomini. Ready-to-use takes a huge court with them. You come to a forest with singing birds, which he circles around so as not to disturb them, a field with hungry ravens for whom he has a horse stabbed, and at a water with a starving fish which he puts in a river. He resides in the best inn and is on duty for the princess. For this, the king has him collect the poppy seeds that have been sown, get a ring out of a water, which the birds and the fish do for him, and finally kill a unicorn. The ravens wait until it is sleeping on its sick side and peck out its good eye so that it spikes itself on a tree with anger. Ready to go, bring the head to the king and the princess to his master. He becomes first minister.


The fairy tale comes from Johann Friedrich Krause from Hoof . From the second edition, the Brothers Grimm replaced it with The Three Snake Leaves and used it in the note on The Queen Bee . For the unicorn as a free trial, cf. also the brave little tailor .


At Janosch , Fix und Ready knows exactly when the general wants to smoke, drink or fireworks, and recruits the General Field Marshal's daughter by killing the animals with hand grenades and stating that he has "cleared" a forest, "taken a canal" and "Won a field battle".


  • Heinz Rölleke (Ed.). Brothers Grimm: Children's and Household Tales .. Children's and Household Tales. Last hand edition with the original notes by the Brothers Grimm. With an appendix of all fairy tales and certificates of origin not published in all editions. Volume 3: Original Notes, Guarantees of Origin, Afterword . Pp. 122-123, 448, 470. Reclam-Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-15-003193-1

Individual evidence

  1. Janosch: Mr. Fix and ready. In: Janosch tells Grimm's fairy tale. Fifty selected fairy tales, retold for today's children. With drawings by Janosch. 8th edition. Beltz and Gelberg, Weinheim and Basel 1983, ISBN 3-407-80213-7 , pp. 195-200.

Web links

Wikisource: Mr. Fix and Done  - Sources and full texts