Hertzhaimer natural garden

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The Hertzhaimer-Naturgarten is a biotope network that is laid out at the Hertzhaimer-Gymnasium in the Upper Bavarian town of Trostberg and its beginnings go back to 1984.


The Hertzhaimer-Gymnasium Trostberg was founded in the late 1960s and built in the brutalist concrete construction typical of the time . In the 1983/84 school year, the teacher Bärbel Ansorge and a group of students aimed to improve the quality of life and the ecological conditions around the school building to make the school environment as natural as possible. In the following decades, at the instigation of the school garden group, several asphalt surfaces were removed and replaced by open ground, small ponds were created and an ecologically sensible hedge several hundred meters long was created, which closes the school grounds to the south. In 2009 a "green classroom" was created to enable outdoor teaching. In its current state, the school garden - Hertzhaimer natural garden since 2012 - clasps the buildings of the high school from almost all sides.


  • In 1997 the Trostberg school garden was named the best school garden in Bavaria.
  • In 2013 the Hertzhaimer Natural Garden was recognized as a project of the UN Decade of Biodiversity .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.heimatzeitung.de/cho/archiv/735099_25-Jahre-Fleiss-viel-Preis.html
  2. http://www.heimatzeitung.de/cho/archiv/740049_Unterricht-im-Schulgarten.html
  3. a b The Hertzhaimer Natural Garden in Trostberg