Heurigen March

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The Heurigenmarsch is a genre of Viennese and Lower Austrian folk music and the Viennese song . In contrast to traditional marching music, these are pieces that were originally performed at the Heuriger with a Schrammel music ensemble and not with a brass band for marching. They emerged at the end of the 19th century and were based on the Austro-Hungarian military music. Colloquially, the Heurigen March is sometimes also referred to as the Holodaro March , as the pieces that are sung usually include a wine- blissful yodelling success , e.g. B. Now have a bottle of wine, holodaro ... Viennese song potpourris are often performed as wine taverns.

Well-known Heurigen marches

  • Vienna remains Vienna
  • The priest in Dornbach is uncovered
  • See it's Weanerisch
  • Now let's have another bottle of wine
  • Young san ma, dashing san ma
  • Today d'Engerln come to Wean on vacation
  • But he must be g'rebelt
  • Zwa Fiedln, a Klampfn, a mason piano
  • Always happy, happy
  • You never get younger
  • Wachau Hauermarsch


  • Elisabeth Theresia Fritz, Helmut Kretschmer: Vienna. Music history. Part 1: Folk music and Viennese song (= History of the City of Vienna. [3rd episode], Vol. 6). Lit, Vienna 2006, ISBN> 3-8258-8659-X.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Dornbacher pastor, St. Peter Abbey
  2. Wachau Hauer march, choir and dance group Krems