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Hickhack , also hurdles , up and down or up-down-up is a simple dice and arithmetic game with a single dice and a dice cup for any number of players. The game is also regularly included in the relevant rulebooks in game collections .

In general, a "hitch" refers to a useless argument or a foolish, grueling back-and-forth talk.

Style of play

Hickhack is played with a single dice and dice cup.

The game is played in turn. Each player rolls seven times. For scoring, the first two dice are added together, the next throw subtracted, the fourth throw added again, the fifth subtracted, the sixth added and the seventh subtracted again. The winner of the game is the player with the highest final score. If a player gets negative values ​​in the interim scores, he has to be eliminated according to one variant, according to other rules of the game this does not matter.

1. Dice-2.svg+ Dice-3.svg- Dice-4.svg+ Dice-6.svg- Dice-2.svg+ Dice-1.svg- Dice-5.svgcounts 1
2. Dice-2.svg+ Dice-3.svg- Dice-6.svg= −1, thus eliminated after the third throw

Similar arithmetic games

Various other dice games in which the individual throws are offset against each other work similarly to the game of Hickhack . For example, in arithmetic or the calculation, the dice are rolled five times, the first two throws are also added, the third throw is subtracted, the result is multiplied by the fourth throw and the result is divided by the fifth throw at the end. Anyone who receives a negative intermediate result after subtracting the third roll or who does not come up with a whole number in the end is eliminated. The winner is the player with the lowest number at the end.

1. Dice-2.svg+ Dice-3.svg- Dice-4.svgx Dice-6.svg : Dice-2.svg= 3 counts 3
2. Dice-2.svg+ Dice-3.svg- Dice-4.svgx Dice-6.svg : Dice-4.svg= 6/4 or 2.5; is ruled out, as no whole number comes out at the end.

supporting documents

  1. a b c "Hickhack" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 403.
  2. "Up and down" In: 100 games collection. Rules booklet of the game collection of the Nürnberg Spielkartenverlag; P. 6.
  3. " Hickhack " on; accessed on June 8, 2015
  4. a b "Up - down - up" In: Robert E. Lembke : The large house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 242.
  5. "Hurdles" In: Friedrich Pruss: Würfelspiele. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 11. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .
  6. "Calculating" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 403.
  7. ^ "The bill" In: Friedrich Pruss: Würfelspiele. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 11. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .


  • "Hetzjagd" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 401.
  • "Up - down - up" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 242.
  • "Hurdles" In: Friedrich Pruss: dice games. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 11. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .