Hieronymus Engberding

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Hieronymus Engberding OSB (born January 27, 1899 in Bottrop , † May 20, 1969 in Gerleve ) was a Benedictine monk and Catholic liturgical scholar .

Karl Anton Engberding was born in Bottrop in 1899 as the son of Joseph Engberding and Maria. Bergermann born. He attended elementary school and high school in Bottrop and received his Abitur on June 20, 1917. From June 1917 to November 1918 was in military service and on the front in France. From 1919 to 1923 he studied Catholic theology in Munster and from 1928 to 1930 in Bonn he studied the Christian Orient and Oriental languages. He was ordained a priest on December 22, 1923 and entered the Benedictine Abbey of Gerleve near Billerbeck i. Wine; there he received the religious name Hieronymus .

Engberding submitted his inaugural dissertation on Basil's anaphora to the Philosophical Faculty in Bonn at the end of January and passed the oral examination on February 26, 1930. After his solemn doctorate on July 31, 1931, Engberding initially worked in what was then the Eastern Church working group of his native Gerleve abbey. 1950–1959 he held a teaching position for history and theology of the Eastern Church at the University of Münster . In 1952 he turned down the extraordinary professorship at the University of Würzburg for customers of the Christian East in favor of monastic life. From 1955 to 1963 he was co-editor of Oriens Christianus . Engberding is considered a leading representative of Anton Baumstark jun. established comparative liturgical science in the 20th century.

Main work

  • H. Engberding: The Eucharistic Prayer of the Basileios liturgy. Textual historical research and critical edition (Theologie des Christian Ostens 1). Aschendorf, Münster i. W. 1931.


  • H. Kaufhold: Art. Engberding , in: Lexicon for Theology and Church³ 3 (1995) 645.
  • Chronicle of the dead from Gerleve: P. Hieronymus Engberding. Died on May 20, 1969 in Gerleve . (Gerleve o. J.) 1-12 (detailed bio-bibliography).
  • M. Biedermann: In memoriam Dr. P. Hieronymus Engberding , in: Ostkirchliche Studien 18 (1969) 200-4.