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Himlagu was a Nabatean sculptor or stone mason who worked in the Arab city of Hegra in the early first century . He is the father of the stonemason Halafallahi .

Himlagu is mentioned as a sculptor or stonemason in two inscriptions found in Hegra. Since his son is known as the stonemason responsible for two grave facades, it is assumed that he was also involved in the construction of such facades; In contrast to his son, however, no concrete facade can be assigned to him. His creative period falls during the reign of King Aretas IV , during which the Nabataean Empire experienced its heyday.



  1. ^ Józef T. Milik : Inscriptions nabatéennes . In: Frederick Victor Winnett , William LaForest Reed : Ancient records from North Arabia (= Near and Middle East series , Volume 6). University of Toronto Press 1970, No. 62 & 93.