Himno de Riego

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El Himno de Riego is a song in honor of Rafael del Riego , which is about the Spanish Civil War of 1820–1823. From 1931 to 1939 it was the national anthem of the Second Republic, which fell in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 . The lyrics are by Ivorista San Miguel, the music by Francisco Guerta.

The first, third and seventh verses served as the national anthem of the Second Republic.

1. Serenos, alegres,
valientes, osados,
cantemos, soldados,
el himno a la lid.
Y a nuestros acentos
el orbe se admire
y en nosotros mire
los hijos del Cid.
Soldados, la patria
nos llama a la lid,
juremos por ella
vencer o morir.
2. Blandamos el hierro
que el tímido esclavo
del libre, del bravo,
la faz no osa ver.
Sus huestes cual humo
veréis disipadas,
ya nuestras espadas
fugaces correr.
3. ¿El mundo vió nunca
más libre osadía?
¿Lució nunca un día
más grande en valor
que aquel que inflamados
nos vimos del fuego
que excitara en Riego
de patria el amor?
4. Honor al caudillo
honor al primero
que el cívico acero
osó fulminar.
La patria afligida
oyó sus acentos
y vió sus tormentos
en gozo tornar.
5. Su voz for seguida,
su voz for escuchada,
tuvimos en nada
soldados morir.
Y osados ​​quisimos
romper la cadena
que de afrenta llena
del bravo el vivir.
6. Mas ya la alarma tocan;
las armas tan sólo
el crimen, el dolo,
podrán abatir.
Que tiemblen, que tiemblen,
que tiemble el malvado
al ver al soldado
la lanza esgrimir.
7. La trompa guerrera
sus ecos al viento;
de horrores sediento
ya muge el cañón.
Ya Marte sañudo
la andana provoca
y el genio se invoca
de nuestra nación.
8. Se muestran: volemos,
volemos, soldados.
¿Los veis aterrados
la frente bajar?
Volemos, que el libre
por siempre ha sabido
al siervo rendido
la frente humillar.

German translation

1. Cheerful and happy,
brave and brave,
tunes in, soldiers,
the song of battle.
Our voices will
amaze the world
and in our gaze
you can recognize the sons of Cid .
Soldiers, the fatherland
calls us to fight,
let us swear to it that we will
win or die.
2. We melt the iron that
the fearful slave of
the free and the brave
cannot even look at. You will see
his followers like smoke
and before our weapons
they will flee.
3. Has the world ever seen
freer daring?
Was there ever a day
as great in courage
as the one on which we
lit ourselves at the fire,
which also aroused love for the fatherland in Riego
4. The honor of the leader,
the honor of the primus,
the bourgeois steel
dared to kill them.
The sorrowful fatherland
heard his voice
and now saw his pain
turn into joy.
5. His voice was followed,
his voice was heard,
our soldiers
did not die for it.
And courageously we wanted to
tear the chains,
which are full of shame,
the life of the brave.
6. But the sirens are already ringing;
Crime and intent
can only
be brought
down by arms .
They should tremble, tremble,
the villain should tremble
when he
sees the soldiers swinging pikes.
7. The wind blows and carries the clatter of war horns and the roar of cannons
far across the fields ; terrible Mars incites daring and calls the spirit upon our nation.

8. They show up: let
's fly, soldiers fly.
Do you see how they
look down in dismay ?
Let us plead that the eternal
free knows how to offend the pride of
the devoted servant

See also

Web links

Commons : Himno de Riego  - collection of images, videos and audio files