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The Hintare was a German square measure in the Grand Duchies of Baden and Hesse .

The measure differed in these regions. In comparison: In Baden there were 2 Hintare = 5 Joch (Viennese) equivalent in Hesse 3.125 Joch (Viennese).

The dimensional chain was general


  • Jurende's patriotic pilgrims in the imperial state of Austria: E. National calendar for all provinces d. Austria. Total richness: all friends d. Culture from d. Teaching, defense and Nutrient levels; excellent All natural u. Dedicated to friends of the fatherland. as e. Attempt to improve d. Calendar system. Volume 12, Winiker, Brünn 1825, p. 144
  • Jurende's patriotic pilgrim business and entertainment book for all provinces of the Austrian imperial state: consecrated to all friends of culture from the teaching, military and nutritional class, especially to all nature and fatherland friends. Volume 21, p. 140 Winiker, Brünn 1834

Individual evidence

  1. Jurende's patriotic pilgrim business and entertainment book for all provinces of the Austrian imperial state: consecrated to all friends of culture from the teaching, military and nutritional class, especially to all nature and fatherland friends. Volume 12, Winiker, Brünn 1834 p. 140
  2. Allgemeine Handlungs-Zeitung: With the latest inventions and improvements in the factory and in the city and agriculture. Volume 25, Verlag des Kontors der Handlungszeitung, Nuremberg 1818 p. 30