Hipparchus (Pythagorean)

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Hipparchus is the name of an alleged ancient Greek philosopher who is said to have been a Pythagorean and, according to the sources, in the 5th century BC. Should have lived. In all likelihood, it is a fictional character.


Hipparchus is named as the recipient of this letter in the "Lysis Letter" popular in antiquity. The author of the letter is said to have been the Pythagorean Lysis , a historical figure of the 5th and early 4th centuries. The lysis letter, however, is certainly not authentic; it is one of the pseudepigraphs (attributed to false authors) alleged Pythagorean letters that were widespread in the Roman Empire. Hipparchus is reprimanded for his behavior, which is unworthy of a Pythagorean, and exhorted to improve; he had succumbed to the temptations of the Sicilian well-being. In addition, the letter writer asks him to keep philosophical teachings secret, because only those who have purified themselves are worthy of obtaining the goods of wisdom.

All the information about the life of Hipparchus handed down in the sources can be traced back to the fact that the lysis letter was considered authentic and that the fictional Hipparchus was confused partly with Hippasus of Metaponton and partly with Archippus of Taranto .

The late antique scholar Johannes Stobaios handed down the (incomplete) text of a scripture written in Doric dialect "On Peace of Mind " ( Peri euthymías ), which was ascribed to Hipparchus. The anonymous author of this treatise emphasizes the changeability of fate and the detrimental effects of desires directed towards perishable goods. He recommends philosophy as a way to get rid of addiction to such desires.


  • Holger Thesleff (Ed.): The Pythagorean Texts of the Hellenistic Period . Åbo Akademi, Åbo 1965, pp. 88–91 (critical edition of "On Peace of Mind")


  • David R. Fideler (Ed.): The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library . Phanes Press, Grand Rapids (Michigan) 1987, ISBN 0-933999-51-8 , pp. 247-248 (English translation of "About Peace of Mind ")


  • Bruno Centrone: Hipparchus . In: Richard Goulet (ed.): Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques . Vol. 3, CNRS Éditions, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-271-05748-5 , pp. 750-751


  1. Edited and translated by Alfons Städele: Die Briefe des Pythagoras und der Pythagoreer , Meisenheim am Glan 1980, pp. 154–159.