Hiroshima City Manga Library

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Manga library with a statue of a boy playing pipe in front of the entrance

The Hiroshima City Manga Library ( Engl. For 広島市まんが図書館 Hiroshima-shi Manga Toshokan ) is a municipal library in Hiroshima City in Hiroshima Prefecture , belong to the two houses and to materials and media about Manga specializes. The library was opened in May 1997 as the first specialized library for manga in Japan. The library's task is to systematically collect, organize and store manga. The main focus of the collections are manga, which depict the spirit of an era, and important, regular manga magazines. It also provides materials for cultural-theoretical and historical research.


The Manga Library is part of the Central Library in Hiroshima. It is divided into two houses. The predecessor of the library was the Aozora Library in Hijiyama Park ( 広 島 市立 比 治山 公園 青 空 図 書館 Hiroshima shiritsu Hijiyama koen aozora toshokan ) ( 34 ° 23 ′ 15.8 ″  N , 132 ° 28 ′ 28 ″  E ), which originally opened in 1983 and after extensive renovations in 1997 it was transformed into the Manga Library. The second house is the Asa Reading Room ( ま ん が 図 書館 あ さ 閲 覧 室Manga toshokan Asa etsuranshitsu ) ( 34 ° 28 ′ 33.8 ″  N , 132 ° 26 ′ 41.5 ″  E ), the 1999, two years after the library was opened.

The library comprises 154,000 books, the Asa reading room a further 54,000 books (as of March 2019); 99% of this is Manga and the remaining 1% is material related to Manga. The library and reading room are used by readers of all ages. In 2013, the total number of users for the library and reading numbers was approx. 313,000 readers; the number of borrowed media at around 667,000 pieces. The library has a union catalog accessible on the Internet, which also contains the holdings of the Hiroshima Children's Library ( 広 島 市 こ ど も 図 書館 Hiroshima-shi kodomo toshokan ) and the Hiroshima Cinematographic and Audio-visual Library ( 広 島 市 映像 文化 ラ ī ) イ ラ リ ーHirosharō bunkiz includes.

Also in Hijiyama, very close to the library, is the Museum of Modern Art ( 広 島 市 現代 美術館 Hiroshima-shi gendai bijutsukan , English Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art )

Collections (selection)

  1. Caricatures and scrolls ( emakimono ) of humans and animals from the Heian period (12th century); Example: Shigisan-engi ( 信 貴 山 縁 起 ), Ban Dainagon Ekotoba ( 伴 大 納 言 絵 詞 )
  2. Collection of Toba-e ( 鳥羽 絵 ), so-called comic pictures from the Edo period (18th century)
  3. Hokusai Manga ( 北 斎 漫画 ) by the woodcut artist Katsushika Hokusai from 1814
  4. Marumaru chinbun ( 團團 珍聞 ), a comic magazine published by Nomura Fumio in 1877 based on the English satirical magazine Punch
  5. Tōkyō Puck ( 東京 パ ッ ク ), a satirical magazine published by Kitazawa Rakuten in 1905 and the forerunner of the modern manga
  6. First Manga complete edition ( 現代 漫画 大 観 Gendai Manga taikan ) in 10 volumes from 1928, which triggered a manga boom
  7. Picture story Shōnen Ōja ( 少年 王者 ) from 1949, text and drawings by Yamakawa Sōji, triggered a boom in the genre of picture stories ( 絵 物語 E-monogatari ).

Basic data

Manga library
  • Foundation: 1983, opening of today's library: 1997
  • Area: three floors with 810 m²
  • Address: 1-4 Hijiyama-koen, Minami-ku , Hiroshima City 732-0815
Asa reading room
  • Opening: May 1999
  • Area: 244 m²
  • Address: 2-30-15 Kamiyasu, Asaminami-ku , Hiroshima City 731-0154

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c About the Manga Library. Hiroshima City Manga Library, accessed November 6, 2019 .
  2. a b 広 島 市 の 図 書館 (要 覧) 2014 年度 (平 成 26 年度) . (PDF) 広 島 市立 図 書館 , 2014, accessed October 27, 2019 (Japanese).
  3. コ レ ク シ ョ ン . 広 島 市立 図 書館 , accessed on October 27, 2019 (Japanese, The specified website contains details of all the collections specified here.).