Every nation

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Every Nation (in German every nation ) or Every Nation Churches & Ministries ( Every Nation parishes and parishes ) is a worldwide organization of church parishes and student missions. The association is organized into seven regional associations and is chaired by President Steve Murrell.


The charismatic community His People ("His People" or "His People") was founded in Europe from 1993 from South Africa. The missionary couple Morris managed the meeting place in Innsbruck until 2003 and from there they set up further faith centers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In Germany, centers are maintained in Augsburg and Nuremberg. While this work is regarded by charismatics as a model for successful church growth, growth in Germany is stagnating. In 1998 His People international was taken over by the evangelistic missionary association Morning Star International from the USA. The moral of the Christian community led in 2003 to the exclusion of the South African founder (Fr. Daniel) for adultery. In January 2005 the group was renamed "Every Nation", which corresponds to the missionary zeal of its followers. In the Catholic Church in Tyrol , this community was often z. B. in connection with church resignations and healing services.

After the merging of “Morning Star” and “His People”, the initiative was launched in 2010 : by 2010, every congregation should try to plant a new congregation every three years. This goal has failed. In contrast to the attempts to expand, the municipalities in Salzburg and Kufstein left the Every Nation movement in autumn 2006 and January 2007, respectively. Since then, His People Davos in Switzerland and Every Nation Berlin have been the only new foundations in the German-speaking area. The community in Davos also resigned at the end of 2010 and is now part of the Swiss Pentecostal Mission.

Doctrine and Church Life

Every Nation adheres to basic evangelical Christian beliefs and is a member of the World Evangelical Alliance .

The German communities have adopted the following basic values ​​from "Morning Star International":

  • Lordship of God (submission to "God's will"),
  • Discipleship and evangelism (the basis of missionary zeal)
  • Leadership and family as a lifestyle.

The doctrine is preached by pastors and elders. One of the contents of the doctrine is the voluntary tithe , which should correspond to 10 percent of the believer's income. The communities are financed exclusively through donations. An international guideline stipulates that the pastor introduces the sacrifice with a short sacrificial sermon.


Among the missionaries are not only community members but also missionaries from other countries. To this end, numerous meetings ("conferences") and Bible schools are organized on a business basis. The Austrian sect commissioners write: “The view of the earthly dominates. What catches the eye is that strength, growth and agility are emphasized. It is to be hoped that a critical discussion about a US-influenced turbo mission will take place in the community itself. "

An article in the TAZ deals with the contradiction between the contemporary, relaxed and informal lifestyle of the followers of this community and the ambition of the Berlin preacher Gareth Lowe to “be part of a church planting movement.” They wanted to prepare “battle-ready sons” and therefore the mission center was located in Friedrichshain , a place with a particularly large number of students.


  • R. Hempelmann et al. (Ed.): Handbook of evangelistic-missionary works, institutions and communities. Stuttgart 1997, 266f. ISBN 3-7675-7763-1
  • P. Hocken: The strategies of the Holy Spirit? Ravensburg 1998. ISBN 978-3-932842-12-2
  • Th. Kern: enthusiasts, dreamers and prophets? Charismatic communities under the microscope. Frankfurt a. M. 1998. ISBN 3-7820-0803-0
  • G. Schmid, GO Schmid (ed.): Churches, sects, religions. A manual. Zurich 2003, p. 153. ISBN 3-579-03585-1

Web links


  1. ^ Every Nation Churches & Ministries (Accredited Organization Profile) - ECFA.org. Retrieved June 20, 2019 .
  2. ^ Directory. In: Every Nation. Retrieved June 20, 2019 (American English).
  3. a b c Sect Commissioner of the Catholic Church in Austria (in the web archive)
  4. ^ History of the Pentecostal Church in Davos
  5. ^ Statement of Faith. In: Every Nation. Retrieved June 20, 2019 (American English).