Hit-Technopark Hamburg

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The hit Technopark is a technology park in Hamburg-Harburg with laboratories, offices and production rooms in 19 buildings. It is home to around 110 companies with 600 employees from the technology sector on 28,000 square meters.


The hit Technopark was created in 1985 in cooperation between the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) and the City of Hamburg in the factory halls of the car manufacturer Tempo as a home for start-ups. Most of the young entrepreneurs who researched and developed creative projects there were TUHH graduates. Since 1995 the park has developed into one of the most important high-tech locations in Hamburg, which has its own post office and a hotel with a conference center. The managing directors are Wolfram and Christoph Birkel.

Founder's Prize

Together with TuTech Innovation GmbH, hit-Technopark developed an initiative to promote business start-ups in 2005 and annually awards the Hamburg INNOTECH Prize, which is endowed with 30,000 euros. In addition, TuTech, hit-Technopark and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg organize one-week start-up workshops with the INNOTECH Summer School.

Art exhibitions

Since 1998, the hit Technopark has been organizing year-round exhibition series with the title "Art connects ..." which depict all areas of the visual arts. In 2012 hit-ART was awarded the KulturMerkur by the Hamburg Cultural Foundation and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for its exemplary cultural promotion .

Industry sectors

Companies from 17 industries have settled in the hit Technopark.

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