Holland weasel lemur

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Holland weasel lemur
Order : Primates (Primates)
Subordination : Wet-nose primates (Strepsirrhini)
Partial order : Lemurs (Lemuriformes)
Family : Weasel lemurs (Lepilemuridae)
Genre : Weasel lemurs ( Lepilemur )
Type : Holland weasel lemur
Scientific name
Lepilemur hollandorum
Ramaromilanto et al., 2009

The Holland-Wieselmaki ( Lepilemur hollandorum ) is an on Madagascar living primate from the group of lemurs within the lemurs . The species was first described in 2009 , the name honors the philanthropists Dick and Mary Holland, who support young Malagasy scientists, among others.

With a weight of around 0.99 kilograms, Dutch weasel lemurs are among the larger representatives of the weasel lemurs. Their fur is reddish-brown on the head, on the shoulders and on the front part of the back, the rear part of the back is colored a lighter gray-brown. The belly and face are colored light gray, the long tail is dark brown and turns black towards the tip. The head is rounded, the eyes are large, and the ears protrude from the fur. As with all weasel lemurs, the hind legs are significantly longer than the front legs.

So far, these primates are only known from the Mananara North Bioreserve on the east coast of Madagascar, so their habitat is tropical rainforests . Their way of life has not yet been researched, like all weasel lemurs they are likely to be nocturnal, climb and jump vertically on the branches and eat purely plant-based.


  • Boromé Ramaromilanto, Runhua Lei, Shannon E. Engberg, Steig E. Johnson, Brandon D. Sitzmann, Edward E. Louis Jr .: Description of a new sportive lemur, Holland's or Mananara-Nord sportive lemur, from Mananara-Nord Biosphere Reserve, Madagascar. In: Museum of Texas Tech University. 286, 2009, ISSN  0149-1768 , pp. 1–22, online (PDF; 3.84 MB) .