Homebrew (package management)

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Homebrew logo.svg
Basic data

Publishing year 2009
Current  version 2.4.9
( July 28, 2020 )
operating system macOS , Linux
programming language Ruby
category Package management
License BSD license

Homebrew is a free / open source package manager that simplifies the installation of software on the macOS and Linux operating systems . Package management was originally written by Max Howell. It gained widespread use in the Ruby on Rails scene and was praised for its expandability.

GitHub is used to support additional packages through contributions from other users . In 2012 the project had the largest number of new contributors and in 2013 both the highest number of contributors and the most closed tickets .

Linuxbrew, the first stable version of a homebrew fork for Linux , has been available since October 2016 . Linuxbrew became an integral part of Homebrew in January 2019. From version 1.9.0, Homebrew now also supports Linux and the Windows Subsystem for Linux as part of a test phase in addition to macOS .


Homebrew is written in the Ruby programming language and requires the command line tools from Apple's Xcode development environment , which xcode-select --installare installed with the terminal command . During the installation as a git repository, /usr/localsome folders for homebrew itself and for the software packages are created below , which enables homebrew to be updated in the same way as installed packages. While at the beginning all packages were recompiled from the source code, now mostly finished binary files , called "Bottles" by homebrew, are installed. During the installation process, Homebrew calls a package “Formula”, a formula or brewing recipe, a Ruby script that was described in Homebrews DSL to manage dependencies, download source files and configure and compile the software.

While the package managers Fink , MacPorts and Pkgsrc work exclusively via sudo when installing packages , homebrew users do not need administrator rights for this

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release 2.4.9 . July 28, 2020 (accessed July 29, 2020).
  2. Andre Arko: Homebrew: OS X's Missing Package Manager . In: Engine Yard blog . Engine yard . Retrieved September 2, 2014.
  3. The Octoverse in 2012. . GitHub . Retrieved September 2, 2014.
  4. Github Octoverse 2013 . Retrieved September 2, 2014.
  5. Linuxbrew v1.0.0 . Retrieved November 25, 2016.
  6. Update README.md from Homebrew docs / Linuxbrew.md. GitHub , January 7, 2019, accessed January 10, 2019 .
  7. Homebrew 1.9.0. In: brew.sh. January 9, 2019, accessed January 10, 2019 .