Honorary doctor
A fee doctor (also a loan doctor ) is a doctor who works as an independent entrepreneur with changing clients (mostly practices and clinics) on his own account for a fee .
Fee-based doctors have been employed in Germany to a considerable extent since around 2006/2007. There is no reliable information on the extent to which fee-paying doctors are deployed in Germany: estimates speak of 2000 to 5000 fee-paying doctors (2010). The trend is increasing: there is now a shortage of specialists even among doctors .
The phenomenon of fee-paying physicians is assessed in two ways: on the one hand, physicians who can be deployed flexibly and at short notice can prevent supply bottlenecks, particularly in structurally weak regions. In addition, because of the higher degree of independence and appreciation associated with it, this type of activity means significantly higher job satisfaction for many doctors .
On the other hand, the use of external contractors on apparently better terms often increases the dissatisfaction of the employees at the respective client : the turnover of a fee doctor is often incorrectly compared with the salary of an employed doctor; the self-employed, however, must insure themselves, provide their retirement and other pension benefits themselves, etc. Nevertheless, fee-paying doctors also believe that a permanent position means much less pay with much more stress.
However, the use of fee-paying doctors cannot serve to remedy existing, for example structural, deficits.
Most of the fee-paying doctors can be placed by specialized agencies . With the emergence of a market for fee doctors, the number of agencies has increased significantly since 2009.
- Alexander Teske: Fee-based doctor study: More money and more flexibility. Dtsch Arztebl 2010; 107 (22): A-1093 / B-965 / C-953
- Fee-based medical activity in Germany - Position determination by the German Medical Association and National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, April 2011. Download: www.bundesaerztekammer.de/.../honoraraerzte_26052011.pdf
- Stephan Porten: Handbuch Honorararztrecht, Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-38273-4
Web links
- dradio.de, Deutschlandfunk, Dossier , May 6, 2011, Dorothea Brummerloh: “They 're happy when you come ...” About fee-paying doctors at German clinics (May 6, 2011)
- merkur.de: A Doctor for Rent ( Memento from November 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (May 6, 2011)
- zeit.de, Wirtschaft , November 5, 2010, Silvia Wirth: Lack of medical doctors - temporary workers, please come (May 6, 2011)
- moz.de, August 20, 2010, From the editorial team , Viola Petersson: A Doctor to Book (May 6, 2011)
- welt.de, Marktplatz , May 9, 2010, Philipp Neumann: Frau Doktor auf der Walz (May 6, 2011)
- spiegel.de, Health , December 28, 2009, Udo Ludwig, Barbara Schmid: Doctors on assembly (May 6, 2011)
- aerzteblatt.de, Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Politik , November 22, 2013, Jens Flintrop: Fee-based physicians in Germany: Time for pragmatic solutions (January 16, 2017)
- tagesspiegel.de, Der Tagesspiegel, Wirtschaft , September 19, 2011, Jana Gioia Baurmann: On own account in the operating room (January 16, 2017)
- welt.de, Die Welt, Finances , March 10, 2012, Anne Onken: Here today, there tomorrow: Fee-based doctors are flexible (January 16, 2017)
Individual evidence
- ^ The propaganda about the shortage of skilled workers
- ↑ Nike Laurenz, Swantje Unterberg: Freelance workers in clinics and homes: "It burns tremendously for me and my colleagues" . In: Spiegel Online . June 13, 2019 ( spiegel.de [accessed June 17, 2019]).