Horace Miner

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Horace Mitchell Miner (born May 26, 1912 in Saint Paul (Minnesota) , † November 26, 1993 in Ann Arbor ) was an American sociologist and anthropologist who dealt with the range of variations in human cultures.

life and work

Horace Miner received his PhD from the University of Chicago , where he also taught for some time. Then miner worked in Africa and South America. He was the author of several books on the subjects of "Culture and Agriculture" and "Urban Development in Modern Africa". His best known work was "Body Rituals of the Nacirema ", published in 1956 in the American Anthropologist magazine. Horace Miner is one of the early specialist authors who also dealt with urban ethnology in Africa. In 1967 he published "The City in Modern Africa".

In 1966 he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ The City in Modern Africa by Horace Miner. AL Mabogunje. The Journal of Developing Areas. Vol. 3, No. 1 (Oct., 1968), pp. 99-101. Published by: College of Business, Tennessee State University. Article JSTOR 4189547
  2. Member History: Horace M. Miner. American Philosophical Society, accessed December 17, 2018 .