Hosaka Mamoru

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Hosaka Mamoru ( Japanese 穂 坂 衛 ; * August 25, 1920 ; † October 26, 2016 ) was a Japanese computer pioneer.

Hosaka received his degree in aircraft engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1942 and was at the Research Institute of the Japanese State Railways (JNR) from 1946 . For his research he received his doctorate from the University of Tokyo.

In 1951 he read an article on digital computers and began to study it. In 1954 he suggested to his institute to research applications in the railroad and in 1955 developed a seat reservation system, which was completed in 1959 (MARS 1, for Magnetic Automatic Reservation System). The system used a magnetic drum memory.

In 2006 he received the Computer Pioneer Award .

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Individual evidence

  1. 穂 坂 衛 氏 が 死去 東 大 名誉 教授 、 元 ク ボ テ ッ ク 取締 役 . nikkei.com, October 28, 2016, accessed February 13, 2017 (Japanese).
  2. 日本 の コ ン ピ ュ ー タ パ イ オ ニ ア . IPSJ Computer Museum, August 29, 2003, accessed March 31, 2013 (Japanese).
  3. The first tube computers were developed in Japan around 1950 at the University of Tokyo, the University of Osaka and at Fuji Film. IPSJ Computer Museum