Hovertank 3D

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Hovertank 3D , also known as Hovertank One , is a computer game for DOS produced by id Software from 1991.

It represents the first real representative of the genre 3D action or first-person shooter , in which you float through three-dimensional labyrinths from the perspective of the game character, an "air cushion tank", i.e. the hover tank. It is not yet possible to move sideways. The game simulates the hovercraft by moving the field of view up and down. Aliens serve as opponents from whom you have to protect hostages . The graphics are presented in the 16-color splendor that was current at the time. The game does not yet have any textures, all surfaces are solid.


The game is sometimes referred to as the first 3D game on PC, but this is not true. Numerous games previously offered a 3D view with first-person perspective, a popular example of this is Elite , which was released for MS-DOS systems as early as 1987.

Hovertank 3D uses rectangular (textureless) walls, ceilings and floors. The engine behind it was further developed in the later process, was later used in the Catacomb 3D series and not least in Wolfenstein 3D .


The story takes place in the future, in a world of big companies. These are above the law and fight each other with all available means. This also includes the use of nuclear weapons against competitors. The player himself is a mercenary hired by an organization to rescue people from buildings that have been shot down by nuclear missiles . Therefore, at each level, I only have a certain amount of time available to save all hostages and then to get to safety through a dimensional gate.

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