Hugo of Santalla

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Hugo von Santalla , also Hugo Sanctallensis , was a 12th century translator living in Spain . He translated Arabic manuscripts on hermetics , alchemy and astrology into Latin.

It is believed that Hugo von Santalla lived as a priest at the court of the Bishop of Tarazona .


The following translations are attributed to him:

  • Liber Aristotilis of Hugo of Santalla. Ed. Charles Burnett et al. David Pingree. London 1997. (Warburg Institute Surveys & Texts) (Latin and English Edition). ISBN 0-85481-115-X
The Liber Aristotilis is a translation of a lost Arabic manuscript with hermetic texts and writings on alchemy and astrology . The text conveys the state of Arabic astrology in Baghdad and is based on Persian, Syrian and Greek sources. Despite its title, this book does not contain any writings by Aristotle .
Latin translation of the Kitâb sirr al-Khalîqa de Balînoûs . Translated into French u. ed. by Françoise Hudry. In: Chrysopoeia. Revue publiée par la Société d'Étude de l'Histoire de l'Alchemie. VI (1997-1999): Cinq traités alchimiques médiévaux, Paris-Milan, Archè, 2000. pp. 1–154.
The book was wrongly ascribed to the Greek mystic Apollonius of Tyra until the Renaissance, but is a compilation of texts on occult teachings that have been compiled from various oriental sources. It was conceived and compiled by Syrian, Persian-influenced hermetic circles in the 10th century.
see also Tabula Smaragdina .


  • Richard Lemay, Dans l'Espagne du XIIe. Les traductions de l'Arabe au latin , Annales ESC , 18 (1963), p. 639-665 ( sur Persée )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas F. Glick: Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages. Chapter 8: Science.
  3. Cf. Wolfgang Hirth: On the German versions of the Secreta Secretorum. In: Leuvense Bijdragen 55 (1966), p. 4iff.
  4. Michaela Pereira: Heavon on Earth. From the Tabula Smaragdina to the Alchemical Fifth Essence
  5. Liber Abdalaben Zeleman de spatula , entry in Alcuin, Regensburger Infothek scholasticism