Dog shark

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Dog shark
Dog shark (Galeorhinus galeus)

Dog shark ( Galeorhinus galeus )

Superordinate : Galeomorphii
Order : Ground Sharks (Carcharhiniformes)
Family : Smooth sharks (Triakidae)
Subfamily : Dog sharks (Galeorhininae)
Genre : Galeorhinus
Type : Dog shark
Scientific name of the  genus
Blainville , 1816
Scientific name of the  species
Galeorhinus galeus
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The dogfish ( Galeorhinus galeus ) is a shark of the family of smooth dogfish .


The external features of the shark are a long, pointed snout, large mouth, and small blade-like teeth. The second dorsal fin is about the same size as the anal fin , the upper part of the caudal fin is significantly larger than the rest of the fin. The shark is gray on the top and white on the underside. Young animals also have small black areas on their fins. The total length in adult animals is about two meters.

Habitat and behavior

Distribution areas of the dog shark

Its distribution area is in the subtropical marine regions around the world; it can be found from the surface to depths of 550 meters. The usual habitat of the dog shark is on continental slopes and the shelf area , but it can also be found near the coast. In some cases the animal is pelagic and can be found in the open ocean, mostly near foraging grounds such as tuna migrations.

The dog shark shows group behavior and likes to spend time in schools with fellow dogs. In addition to a strong willingness to migrate - for example, New Zealand marked specimens were found in Australia - these schools also show a weak breakdown according to size and gender of the individuals.

The preferred food of the dog shark consists of fish (benthal or pelagial species), crustaceans , cephalopods , worms and echinoderms . Reproduction takes place through ovoviviparia .

Dog shark and human

Prepared dog shark ( cazón ) in Valencia

For humans, the shark is not dangerous and is edible.

In captivity, the dog shark, unlike other species, can be preserved quite well if it is given appropriate care. The species is classified as vulnerable on the IUCN 2007 Red List of Threatened Species .


Web links

Commons : Dog Shark ( Galeorhinus galeus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hundshai on the IUCN website