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Different types of plowing
Video: Potato cultivation with the hun plow - plowing in and heaping up, 1976

The Hunspflug is a plow that was used in the Rhineland between the 17th and 19th centuries . This agricultural implement is also known under the name Kölner Wessel or Niederrheinischer reversing plow .

Characteristic of the Rhenish Hunspflug is an S-shaped post and a curved high plow tree. This so-called "crumb" lies on top of the front plow and extends down to the bottom of the plow. The plow could be turned by hanging the mouldboard. The front and rear plow were connected by a leg and chains. The plowing depth could be varied through the chain settings. All working parts of this type of plow were interchangeable, so that it could be adapted to different soil conditions and different tasks, for example as a ridger or as a potato plow. One or two oxen or horses could be harnessed as draft animals.

Earlier models with a wooden frame, in which only the ploughshare was made of iron, were replaced by a variant made entirely of iron around the middle of the 19th century. However, the characteristic shape and functionality of the Hunspflug was retained. Only the length of the shares has been adjusted. The iron Hunspflug uses shorter shares than its wooden predecessor.


  • Stefan Ank: The Hunspflug. A plow from the lower course of the Rhine. In: Heimatbuch Kempen-Krefeld. 1967. pp. 42-48.
  • Stefan Ank: The Hunspflug. In: Home calendar of the Erkelenzer Lande. 1969. p. 184.
  • Karl Göriz : About Flanders and Brabant plows. Karlsruhe and Freiburg 1842. pp. 6f.
  • Ernst Klein: The historic plows in the Hohenheim collection of agricultural implements and machines. Sources and research on agricultural history Volume 16. G. Fischer, Stuttgart 1967. S. 176ff, Fig. 362.
  • Paul Readers : Origin and Distribution of the Plow. Aschendorff 1931. pp. 89-110.
  • Jens Lüning : Stone Age farmers in Germany. Agriculture in the Neolithic . In: University research on prehistoric archeology Vol. 58. Habelt, Bonn 2000, ISBN 3-7749-2953-X p. 162
  • Klaus Peschke: From Agriculture: The Hunspflug. In: Communications of the Baesweiler History Association. No. 23, 2008. p. 7.
  • Hinrich Siuts : Rural and handicraft tools in Westphalia. Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2002. p. 28.