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Five Hushpuppies

Hushpuppies (also: Hush puppies , singular: Hushpuppy ) are a typical side dish of southern cuisine ( soul food ). They are small fried balls, generally made from cornmeal , eggs, milk, baking powder, and onions.

Together with coleslaw (coleslaw), hushpuppies are a typical side dish to fried fish , which can now also be found outside the southern states. In the "Carolinas" ( North Carolina and South Carolina ) they are also a regular accompaniment to barbecues .

See also

Hush puppies


  • Stephen Criswell: Hushpuppies . In: The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture , Vol. 7 Foodways . The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2007, ISBN 978-0-8078-3146-5 , pp. 185-186

Web links

Commons : Hushpuppies  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files