Hyacinthe Guilleminot

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Edmé Hyacinthe Guilleminot (born June 7, 1869 in Laignes , France , † March 1922 in Paris ) was a French radiologist .

education and profession

He studied medicine in Paris and worked as an assistant to his teacher Charles Bouchard (1837–1915) on the first radio-diagnostic experiments in Paris. Since that time, Guilleminot was mainly interested in the young radiological discipline and physical applications in biology and medicine . He received his doctorate in 1896.

In 1907 he worked at the physical-biological laboratory of the medical faculty and in 1911 took over the management of this institute. In 1908 he organized the first radiological laboratory of the Paris hospitals at the Charité in Paris. During the First World War , Guilleminot worked in the medical service of the French army , organized an electro-radiological treatment center in Bordeaux , took care of radiological laboratories and developed prostheses for war casualties. From 1918 he taught biological physics and was admitted to the medical faculty as Professeur agrégé in 1920 .

Guilleminot also headed the electroradiology laboratory at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital , was president of the Society for Radiology and Electrotherapy and co-founder of the Journal de Radiologie , Knight of the Legion of Honor .


In 1905 his main work, Traité d'électricité médicale , was published, the third edition of which was published in 1922. He studied the effects of radioactivity on plant growth and showed that biochemical effects are proportional to the dose of radiation absorbed .

Guilleminot dealt with radiotherapy and radiometric issues (1910), described an oscillometric backpressure Sphygmo manometer (1917) and published scientific and philosophical works.

Works (selection)

  • Traité d'électricité médicale . Paris 1905, New York 1906
  • Sphygmographs à contre-pression . Soc Biol (CR) 80 (1917) 168
  • Les nouveaux horizons de la Science , La Matière et la Vie . 1913-1918


  • J. Belot: H. Guilleminot. Press Med 1 (1922) 492

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