i brand

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i-brand logo since 2014
i brand logo

The i -Marke is a Germany-wide and uniform seal of quality for tourist information from the German Tourist Association e. V. (DTV). The award is intended to signal that the information and service quality meets the requirements in tourism and that guests and service providers throughout Germany can orient themselves to the quality system. The tourist information centers are subjected to an anonymous quality check on site, which is based on a standardized criteria sheet. Participation is voluntary and the award is valid for 3 years. After this time, certification can be carried out again.

Minimum standards and criteria

In order to receive the i -brand certificate , the tourist information offices must meet 15 minimum criteria. If these are available, the quality check can be carried out in the form of an on-site inspection using a standardized criteria sheet. The basic test, which must be passed in order to be awarded the i mark, comprises a total of 40 criteria. An examiner trained by the German Tourism Association evaluates, among other things:

  1. Appearance outside
  2. Equipment / appearance inside
  3. Advice / service at the counter
  4. Tourist information services
  5. Quality awareness of the tourist information

The tourist information office is allowed to advertise with the certificate for 3 years and receives the right to use the i -brand logo for the period until a new check has to be carried out for the acquisition of the quality seal. The criteria are continuously developed and optimized, as well as adapted to the expectations of the guests and the service requirements.

Other types of exams

In addition to the basic on-site inspection, the tourist information offices have the opportunity to undergo additional quality checks. During the extended on-site check, 60 additional criteria are assessed in addition to the basic test. Then a strengths / weaknesses analysis report is prepared with the help of which the tourist information is given targeted and strategic advice. The following mystery checks can be requested from the tourist information for further service checks :

  • Telephone check
  • Mailcheck
  • Brochure check
  • Homepage check

The mystery checks are not included in the certification of the tourist information, but are evaluated separately. This gives the tourist information office the chance of self-control - carried out by external auditors - in order to optimize and improve the existing offer and service quality.

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