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i686 is mostly as a family name for Intel's x86 processors of the sixth generation used. The progenitor of this CPU family is the Pentium Pro , whose Intel-internal development code name P6 gave the family the name P6 family . A separate article is dedicated to her: Intel P6

The i686 is not an official Intel name because Intel abandoned the x86 naming scheme with the i486 . If you had followed this nomenclature, the successor to the i486 should actually have been called i586 . For trademark reasons this was given the name Pentium .

The term i686 is often used for optimization settings in compilers or, for example, to indicate that a certain application program or operating system has been optimized for use on an x86 processor of the P6 family or can even only be executed on such a processor. Such programs are usually also suitable for AMD processors from AMD Athlon (K7) .