IHK certificate

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An IHK certificate is a certificate that is issued by a Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) after the certificate test has been passed . With an IHK certificate, the owner proves that he has received professional and practical training in the certified subject area.

As a rule, the test procedure is preceded by training measures that are either carried out by the respective IHK itself or by a cooperating training provider. The award of the certificate requires that the participant has participated in at least 80% of the course and has successfully passed the IHK certificate test procedure.

An IHK certificate course is characterized by current topics and high practical relevance. It corresponds to a workload of at least 50 to 1200 learning hours. There is no maximum number of learning hours. The number of hours completed is shown and is important. Because the higher the specified course hours, the more comprehensive the practical knowledge imparted.

The IHK certificate contains the title of the training as well as information about the topics dealt with and the skills imparted. The IHK test result is not shown in the certificate, but only certified in exceptional cases by the educational institution if it is recorded at all. Because in an IHK certificate course, the main thing is that graduates can prove that they have dealt extensively with the respective topic. This is what distinguishes an IHK certificate course significantly from a public final examination according to the Vocational Training Act ( BBiG ).

The IHK certificate itself corresponds to a national standard which the respective IHK adapts to its own regional requirements. IHKs develop numerous IHK certificate courses together with DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH and in close cooperation with experts from the economy. This means that they are up-to-date and closely related to everyday work. After development, the concepts are available to the chambers of industry and commerce in order to promote professional development in the respective area of ​​responsibility.

IHK certificates are very popular with employers and employees because of their practical relevance. There is also increasing international interest in this form of proof of professional training. That is why the IHK also offers a copy in English.

An IHK certificate differs significantly from an IHK examination certificate , which is issued for successfully completed examinations according to BBIG in recognized training professions or further training.

Classification in the German Qualifications Framework (DQR)

A binding assignment of IHK certificates to the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) is currently not foreseeable. However, there are individual cases where IHK certificates are advanced training courses such as IT specialist (certified) . These qualifications are classified in the German Qualifications Framework (DQR).

Individual evidence

  1. IHK Saarland: IHK certificate courses. Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
  2. ↑ Uniform federal IHK certificate courses. In: Website DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH der. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .