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The Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales is a social science institute in Quito , Ecuador , which was founded in 1974 as the regional office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung . Its importance as a center for discussion, analysis and science extends beyond national borders.

His tasks include social science research, political education, active participation in political processes and cooperation with trade unions and groups of the Ecuadorian left.

The ILDIS regularly organizes scientific lectures and conferences and publishes the political science oriented journal La Tendencia as well as a number of social science publications. Eminent Ecuadorian scholars such as Alberto Acosta , Pablo Dávalos , Juan Paz y Miño and Raúl Borja publish and discuss in this context.

Some publications

  • Análisis Nueva Constitución (2008)
  • Desafío Constitucional (2008)
  • Patricio Carpio Benalcázar (Ed.): Retos del desarrollo local (2006)
  • Alberto Acosta, Fander Falconí (eds.): Asedios a lo Imposible, Políticas económicas en construcción (2005)

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