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INSPIRE-HEP is a literature database in the field of high energy physics . Access is free and does not require registration. This database is the successor to SPIRES (Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System), the largest literature database in the field of high energy physics since the 1970s.


Along with the CERN Document Server (CDS) , the arXiv document server and the Astrophysics Data System database, SPIRES was one of the most important sources of information in the field of particle physics. A survey from 2007 came to the result that the users of SPIRES wanted more services than the then 30-year-old system could provide. In May 2008 the research centers CERN , DESY , SLAC and Fermilab announced at a meeting of their information specialists in the fields of particle physics and astrophysics that they would set up a joint scientific information system in the field of high-energy physics called INSPIRE. INSPIRE is also working closely with other sources of high energy physics as, collaboration, Particle Data Group and the Astrophysics Data System of the NASA together. The beta version of INSPIRE-HEP has been freely accessible since April 2010 . In April 2012, SPIRES was completely replaced.


INSPIRE-HEP combines the content of the SPIRES-HEP database with the open source software Invenio for creating and managing literature databases and digital libraries as well as the content of the CERN Document Server and arXiv.

In addition to the literature database in the field of high energy physics, INSPIRE-HEP provides additional functions related to high energy physics:

  • HEPNames: a comprehensive directory of people who work in high energy physics.
  • Institutions: a database containing over 10,000 institutes related to high energy physics. Under the information on the respective institutes there are links to all scientific publications related to this institute, as well as a list of people (taken from the HEPNames).
  • Conferences: a collection of meetings and conferences.
  • Jobs: a list of academic and scientific job openings in the fields of high energy physics, nuclear physics, accelerator physics, and astrophysics.
  • Experiments: a database of summaries of HEP and HEP related experiments from many different laboratories and locations around the world.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Physicists, start your searches: INSPIRE database now online , symmetry magazine, May 24, 2012.
  2. Gentil-Beccot, A. Mele, S., Holtkamp, A. O'Connell, HB and Brooks, TC (2009), information resources in high-energy physics: Surveying the present landscape and charting the future course. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci., 60: 150-160, doi: 10.1002 / asi.20944 ; arXiv: 0804.2701
  4. ^ Rieger, Oya & Warner, Simeon. (2011). Funding Models for Collaborative Information Resources and Repositories: Developing Sustainability Strategies for arXiv. Information Standards Quarterly. 22. 17. doi: 10.3789 / isqv22n4.2010.05 .