Literature database

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A literature database is a specialist database that contains bibliographical information and possibly additional specialist text information. There are several types of literature databases:

  • Bibliographic databases (subject indexes) - contain a collection of publications on a specific subject area or topic.
  • Library catalog (inventory registers) - contain the inventory of a library, library network or national library.

While the directories used to be only available in paper-based form of bibliographies or card boxes , today many have already been transferred to electronic storage forms or are being converted accordingly.

Many electronic literature databases are available on the Internet . Special literature search engines access several of these online literature databases to simplify the literature search . In addition, there are now databases that not only contain information on specialist texts, but also hold the specialist text electronically. Such databases are called virtual libraries .

To facilitate access to online databases, the DEBIS database information system funded by the DFG was created at the University of Regensburg.

Online literature databases and literature search engines

Bibliographic databases (subject indexes)

Library catalogs (inventories)

Literature search engines

See also


  • Hans Hehl: The electronic library. Literature search and procurement on the Internet . Saur, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-598-11416-8
  • Gudrun Gersmann : Regional Bibliographies on the Net (=  History in Science and Education . Volume 55 ). 2004, ISSN  0016-9056 , p. 529-531 .
  • Norbert Kersken: Perspectives of a network literature database on the history of East Central Europe . In: Norbert Kersken, Ralf Köhler (Ed.): Bibliographies on the history of East Central Europe . Marburg 1997, ISBN 3-87969-262-9 , pp. 85-95 (= conferences on East Central Europe research , volume 5).
  • Albrecht Hoppe: Digital Bibliography - Without Prussia? Considerations for the pilot project of an internet-based literature database on the history of Prussia . In: Bernd Sösemann (Hrsg.): Public communication in Brandenburg-Prussia. A special bibliography . Edited by Albrecht Hoppe. Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-515-08172-0 , pp. 9–34 (= contributions to the history of communication , volume 13).
  • Klaus Niedermair: Research and Documentation: The Correct Use of Literature in Studies. UTB 3356, UVK, Konstanz 2010, ISBN 978-3-8252-3356-3 (= study, but correct ).

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