ISACHC classification

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The ISACHC classification is a classification for the severity of heart disease in small animals . The term is an acronym of the I nternational S mall A nimal C ardiac H ealth C ouncil and is an alternative to from the human medicine acquired NYHA -Classification needed. It basically describes three degrees of severity of heart disease:

  • Class 1: Asymptomatic animals
  • Class 2: Mild to moderate heart failure
  • Class 3: Severe heart failure

The classes are further subdivided here:

  • ISACHC 1a: no enlargement of the heart can be seen in the X-ray
  • ISACHC 1b: the X-ray shows the heart enlarged
ISACHC class 1 essentially corresponds to NYHA class I.

  • ISACHC 2: manifests itself mainly through reduced exercise tolerance and performance. Furthermore, a slightly increased resting frequency of breathing can be ascertained; physical exertion leads to shortness of breath and coughing .
ISACHC class 2 corresponds to NYHA class II and its transition to class III.

ISACHC 3: the affected animals show dyspnoea and cough even when at rest; there are often signs of edema . The classification includes NYHA classes III and IV.
  • ISACHC 3a: outpatient treatment of the disease is possible
  • ISACHC 3b: the animal must be cared for as an inpatient for stabilization .


  • Fox, PR, Sisson, D., and Moïse, NS eds .: International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council 1999. Appendix A - Recommendations for diagnosis of heart disease and treatment of heart failure in small animals. Textbook of canine and feline cardiology . 2nd Edition. WB Saunders, Philadelphia 1999.

See also