ISDN digital subscriber line

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ISDN Digital Subscriber Line (abbr .: IDSL) describes a process for a digital connection between the exchange and the customer via existing lines that are otherwise used for ISDN . The data rate corresponds to that of an ISDN basic connection , ie 144 kbit / s ( full duplex ).

IDSL does not necessarily require copper wire pairs , but can be used over any lines actually intended for ISDN basic connections, including glass fiber lines that are converted to copper in distributors. It is therefore not a DSL process in the narrower sense, but a replacement for it.

In Germany IDSL is not used, although there are many connections, especially in eastern Germany, which partially run over fiber , so that's where most real DSL method can not be used.


  • Dirk Traeger: LAN practice of local networks . Springer Fachmedien, Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-519-06189-2 .
  • Ray Horak: Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook. Wiley Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-39607-0 .
  • John G. van Bosse, Fabrizio U. Devetak: Signaling in Telecommunication Networks . 2nd edition, Wiley-Interscience, 2006, ISBN 978-0-471-66288-4 .