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ITADA is the abbreviation for Institut Transfrontalier d'Application et de Développement Agronomique , dt. Cross-border institute for profitable, environmentally friendly land management . It is based in Colmar (F) and is co-financed by the European Union in the European Regional Development Program INTERREG .

ITADA is an institution of cross-border cooperation on the Upper Rhine between the state of Baden-Württemberg (D), the Région Alsace (F) and Northwestern Switzerland (CH) in the field of applied research in the field of profitable and environmentally friendly land management. It is not a classic institute with its own research facilities, but an organization with a secretariat and a regularly meeting management committee in which the participating institutions work together. ITADA relies on the existing capacities of those involved and networks them in the context of applied research projects .

The task is to protect the natural resources , in particular the drinking water supply of European importance in the Rhine valley ( Upper Rhine aquifer ), as well as the maintenance of a comprehensive network of agricultural businesses by developing profitable and environmentally friendly production methods for existing and new crops up to and including questions of marketing the products made in this way. The final reports of the various projects serve as the basis for advising farmers, especially in the area of ​​the southern Upper Rhine between the Black Forest, the Vosges and the Swiss Jura, by the existing advisory institutions.

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