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Operation area: communication
Port: 113 / TCP
Ident in the TCP / IP protocol stack :
application Ident
transport TCP
Internet IP ( IPv4 , IPv6 )
Network access Ethernet Token
FDDI ...
Standards: RFC 1413 (1993)

Ident is a network protocol that a server can use to determine which user in a multi-user system has opened a specific TCP connection. Ident uses the Transmission Control Protocol on port 113 and is specified in RFC 1413 .

Ident messages always consist of a line of ASCII text, which is terminated by a line break with the characters <CR> <LF>.

A request is structured as follows:

<Port auf dem Zielsystem>, <Lokaler Port>

Valid responses repeat the request and take one of the following forms:

<Port auf dem Zielsystem>, <Lokaler Port> : USERID : <Betriebssystem> : <Benutzername>
<Port auf dem Zielsystem>, <Lokaler Port> : ERROR : <Fehlermeldung>

Areas of application for the Ident protocol are, for example

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol : If an Ident request is sent to the sender system when a mail is accepted and the Ident response is included in the headers of the e-mail , the operator of the sender system is able to later assign fake mails to his users
  • Internet Relay Chat : Here it enables the channel operator, for example, to exclude a single user from the discussion instead of an entire host

Example scenario

Establishing an SMTP connection


A user "tei" on the client computer establishes a connection to the SMTP server with any client port 31010 .

Every TCP connection can be clearly identified from the quadruple source-IP , source-port , destination-IP , destination-port . For this SMTP connection the data is:

Properties of the SMTP connection
IP address port
Source 10/10/10/10 31010
Destination 25th

Ident lookup

In order to find the right connection and assign it to a user, the Identd needs the corresponding quadruple of IPs and ports.

The Ident client (in this case e.g. the SMTP daemon) now establishes a connection from the destination IP of the SMTP connection ( to any source port (e.g. 42020) to the source IP of the SMTP connection to the well-known port of the Identd (port 113). This means that the Identd knows two of the four properties of the TCP connection about which it should provide information: The source and destination IP.


So that the Identd can uniquely identify the connection, the Ident client now has to communicate the source and destination port of the SMTP connection . To do this, it sends the ports of the SMTP connection to the Ident server:

31010, 25


The Ident-Daemon searches for the connection and its users with the corresponding IP and port quadruple using an interface to the TCP / IP stack of the operating system. The Ident-Daemon then replies with the operating system ID of its server, e.g. B. "UNIX", and the user name of the owner of the TCP connection, "tei":

31010, 25 : USERID : UNIX : tei


The Ident connection is closed. The SMTP daemon now knows the name of the user who established the SMTP connection and can use this information e.g. B. in the e-mail header.

See also

Web links