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With icositetrahedron one generally designates a polyhedron whose surface is composed of 24 flat polygons. In practice, only the deltoidalikositetrahedron , which is used in mineralogy and has special symmetries, is of major importance .


Various ikositetrahedra
designation composition Number of corners Number of edges image
Deltoidal icositetrahedron 24 kite squares 26th 48 edges. Deltoidalicositetrahedron.jpg
Tetrakis hexahedron 24 triangles 14th 36 Tetrakishexahedron.jpg
Triakis octahedron 24 triangles 14th 36 Triakisoctahedron.jpg
Pentagonikositetrahedron 24 pentagons 38 60 Pentagonalicositetrahedroncw.jpg
threefold expanded dodecahedron 15 triangles and 9 pentagons 23 45 Triaugmented dodecahedron.png
Disphenocingulum 20 equilateral triangles and 4 squares 16 38 Disphenocingulum.png