Il Circolo delle donne italiane

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The Circolo delle donne italiane is one of the first women-published newspapers in Italy and the first political women’s newspaper in Venice . It appeared there from September 26 to October 15, 1848 during the uprising against Austrian rule under Daniele Manin . Little is known about the editorial staff, which consisted of five or six women. To her belonged Adele Cortesi and Maddalena Montalban , others call themselves "Annetta", "A. Comtesi ”or“ Ida M. ”. The aim of the women, who came from the upper class, was to support the patriotic movement in the spirit of the Risorgimento ; the main opponents were the Habsburgs . Women should take part in the resistance against foreign rule, even if not directly through armed violence, but rather by encouraging their sons, husbands, etc. But gender equality "by nature" was also called for in the first edition: "É venuto il tempo di proclamare l'uomo e la donna per natura egualissimi tra loro ”.

In addition to the Circolo , only the two Palermitaner sheets Tribuna delle Donne and Legione delle Pie sorelle as well as the Roman La Donna italiana existed in Italy at that time .

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  1. ^ Giulia Frontoni: Sons as generation heroes. ›Hatred‹ and political expectations among women around 1848 , in: Kirsten Gerland, Benjamin Möckel, Daniel Ristau (eds.): Generation and expectation. Constructions between past and future , Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2013, pp. 94–108, here: pp. 104–107.
  2. Sergio De Claricini: Women's weeklies in Italy , in: International Communication Gazette 11.1 (1965) 43–56, here: p. 43.
  3. Quoted from Giovanna Fiume: Storie del Risorgimento , in: Quaderni storici nuova serie, 36 (2001) 595–614, here: p. 613, note 18.
  4. Nadia Maria Filippini (Ed.): Donne sulla scena pubblica. Società e politica in Veneto tra Sette e Ottocento , FrancoAngeli, 2006, p. 121.