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Immobilization stands for:

Technical procedure

  • Immobilization as a method for the spatial fixation of bacteria, cells or enzymes in gel particles, capsules or in delimited reaction spaces, see Immobilization (biotechnology)
  • Immobilization as a measure in waste disposal: solidification of waste to prevent or reduce the emission of pollutants into the environment

Biological / chemical process

  • Immobilization of pathogens as an immune response of the body, for example through certain antibodies (agglutinins), through the formation of mucus, fibrin, etc.
  • Immobilization as a process of nutrient dynamics in the soil, whereby the nutrients are temporarily fixed (e.g. by microorganisms or in the rock) and are released (mobilized) again when the conditions change (e.g. due to the death of the microorganisms or weathering of the rock), see nutrient (plant): Nutrient dynamics

Act on living beings

  • Immobilization as a measure in health and nursing care as well as care for the elderly: temporary immobilization of body parts or the entire body for treatment purposes or to protect the patient, see Immobilization (medicine) and restraint of a patient
  • Immobilization as immobilization or calming of animals by means of short-term anesthesia using a blowpipe, injection stick or anesthetic rifle for diagnostic, therapeutic or scientific reasons or for the purpose of catching and marking; necessary for self-protection, averting flight, for reducing stress
  • Immobilization as a physical or tactical action Unable Make sporting opponent (ex .: in martial arts by handle , in check by checkmate ) or the enemy (Ex .: by imprisonment - refer hors de combat by use of weapons)
  • in the context of an arrest see bondage (physical) # bondage as a sovereign measure
  • as an erotic variety, see bondage

Degenerative process

  • Immobilization as loss of mobility as a result of physical or mental limitations due to illness, aging, disability and / or care errors, secondary treatment of this understanding of the term in mobilization