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Imoja is the name for an old Italian field and area measure. It was valid in Udine and in the province of the same name.


A distinction was made between two different units of measurement: the Imoja grande , the large Imoja and the small Imoja, the Imoja piccola .

  • 1 Imoja grande = 1250 Tavole / square Passi = 5217.05 square meters
  • 1 Imoja piccola = 840 Tavole / Square Passi = 3505.827 square meters


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1303.
  • Karl Rumler: Overview of the measures, weights and currencies of the most excellent countries .... Verlag Jasper, Hügel u. Manz, Vienna 1849, p. 51.