Incident Command System

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The Incident Command System (ICS) (English for Event Coordination System, EKS ) is an American management system for guiding and directing fire brigade operations . It is the American equivalent of the fire service regulation 100 Leadership and Management in Action . The ICS is used in all procedures in which 'mental' coordination is required. Examples are the planning of events and disaster preparations in hospitals ( Hospital Emergency Incident Command System, HEICS ).


HR functions

The ICS has five management and functional areas in the incident command of the operations management team with the incident commander (ICT1 to ICT5; operations manager) and his immediate command staff.

This consists of:

  • the management and functional areas of the staff (ICS General Staff Positions) with areas,
    • Operations for tactical deployment,
    • Operations Section Chief to the section head (OSC1 to OSC3),
    • Planning for the deployment planning and the Planning Section Chief (PSC1, PSC2),
    • Logistics ( logistics ) and the Logistics Section Chief (LSC1, LSC2),
    • Finance / Administration as a finance and administrative unit and the Finance / Administration Section Chief (FSC1, FSC2),
  • the information officer (IOF1 to IOF3 press officer ),
  • the Liaison Officer (LOFR; liaison officer between the organizations involved),
  • and the Safety Officer (SOF1 to SOF3; Head of Safety).


The ICS management is divided into five quality levels (types 1–5), which correspond to both the type of damage event and the qualifications of the managerial and functional staff.

  • Type 5, for small operations, which can be mastered in the initial phase and require less than six personnel.
  • Type 4, for small fires and small traffic accidents , which cannot be ended in the initial deployment phase. Here the head of operations provides all functions.
  • Type 3, for medium and large fires, technical assistance , larger search missions, missions with a criminal background with possible follow-up missions, here additional staff and functional areas are formed if necessary.
  • Type 2, for large forest and wilderness fires. All functional areas (sections) are staffed here. In addition, a fire / base camp , i.e. a deployment or base camp, will be set up, in which the logistical support, such as replenishment and catering, will be managed.
  • Type 1, major incidents such as large forest and wild fires or natural disasters . All functional areas are staffed. In addition, various organizations, including those that are not local, can be run.

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