IT clerk

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The training occupation for digitization management , originally introduced in 1997 as an IT specialist, is a state-recognized training occupation. One possible English job title is IT Management Assistant.

Other IT professions include IT specialist , IT systems clerk and IT system electronics technician .

IT clerks work on projects for the planning, adaptation and implementation of information and telecommunications technology (IT) systems. The projects focus on commercial aspects such as B. a cost-benefit analysis of new computers or network extensions. They advise and support the employees in the use of the systems for the processing of operational specialist tasks and are responsible for system administration (network administration, database administration).

IT clerks mainly work for the customers of software providers in industry, trade, banks, insurance companies or hospitals. They are the mediator and link between the requirements of the specialist departments and the implementation of IT systems.

Task profile

IT clerks determine which solutions are needed and then speak to their contact persons at hardware and software manufacturers, typically the IT system clerks. Your tasks are essentially:

  • Analyze business processes with regard to the use of IT systems,
  • To advise on possible uses of IT systems,
  • Plan, implement and control IT projects,
  • To develop requirement profiles and specifications,
  • identify IT needs,
  • procure and introduce new IT systems,
  • To create and implement application solutions taking technical and economic aspects into account,
  • Administer IT systems (network administration, database administration)
  • To advise and train users.
  • Programming of application tools


The training framework plan is divided into nine sections. The first section contains content that relates to the IT professions IT system administrator, IT system technician, IT specialist and IT system electronics technician. The other sections are job-specific or subject-specific.


1. The company and its environment

2. Business processes and operational organization

  • Management tasks, process, project and information management
  • Operational organization
  • Analysis, design and control of business processes

3. Accounting and controlling

  • Cost type, cost center and cost unit accounting (cost and performance accounting)
  • Financial accounting
  • Wholesale and retail costing
  • Calculation of profitability, liquidity and debt
  • statistics
  • Plan and process cost accounting

4. Market and customer relationships (marketing)

  • Marketing mix (including product life cycle, product portfolio)
  • Customer advice, drafting of offers and contracts
  • Procurement of external services, needs marketing

5. Simple IT systems

  • System architecture, hardware and operating systems
  • software
  • Programming techniques (creation of structure diagrams and program flow charts)
  • Data protection and copyright
  • Installation and configuration of hardware and software, system maintenance

6. Networked IT systems

  • Network topologies, transmission media and access methods
  • local and public networks; Radio network
  • Data transmission in networks, transmission protocols, OSI layer model
  • Network planning

7. Work organization and work techniques

  • Informing and communicating, planning and organizing, teamwork
  • IT products and markets, fields of application and development trends
  • Industry-specific services
  • Framework conditions for IT technology

8. Project work

  • As-is and requirements analysis, analysis of ergonomic application problems
  • Conception and project preparation,
  • Network plan and problem-solving technology (including brainstorming)
  • Creation of specification sheets
  • communication
  • Project implementation
  • Documentation and presentation

9. Procurement and provision of systems

  • Purchasing, order processing
  • Installation and optimization
  • System administration and maintenance (e.g. setting up user accounts)
  • User advice and support
  • Instruct and train employees

The initial training lasts three years. Retraining will take place in two years. Further training is possible (see Master BAFöG etc.).

final exam

The final exam consists of parts A and B.

Examination part A consists of a company project work (execution of an order or a partial order), which must be carried out and documented in a maximum of 35 hours. A further 30 minutes are provided for the presentation of this project work, including a technical discussion.

In terms of content, the following tasks in particular come into consideration for the project work:

  • Creation of a specification for a system of information and telecommunication technology including the analysis of the related business processes
  • Carry out a cost-benefit analysis for the introduction of an information and telecommunications technology system

Examination part B consists of two comprehensive tasks, each of which is examined for a maximum of 90 minutes, as well as the examination area economics and social studies, for which a maximum of 60 minutes is available.

For task I, one of the following tasks is particularly suitable:

  • Carry out a comparison of offers based on professional and technical specifications
  • Development of a concept for the organization of data protection, data security or the definition of access rights

Task II can in particular include one of the following tasks:

  • Assessment of a system of information and telecommunications technology
  • Design a data model for an application example
  • User-friendly preparation of technical documents
  • Preparation of user advice taking into account job-specific wishes based on a practical case


  • Federal Employment Agency; Sheets on vocational studies : Professions in information technology (IT); Bertelsmann.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Education and profession. Rights and duties during vocational training
  • IT compendium; Westermann publishing house.
  • Basic knowledge of IT professions (several volumes); Stam publishing house.
  • Core qualification - information and telecommunications technology; Gehlen publishing house.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Digitization Management Businesspeople Training Ordinance of February 28, 2020 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 290 )