Consumer credit information point

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The Swiss Consumer Credit Information Center (IKO) runs an information system on consumer credit . Lenders who are subject to the Consumer Credit Act (KKG) are legally obliged to participate and report. The IKO is a federal body and is subject to the direct supervision of the FDJP . The lenders concerned lead the IKO in the "Association for the Management of an Information Center for Consumer Credit (IKO)", founded in 2002.

The IKO started operations on January 2nd, 2003. The database managed in the IKO is strictly limited to the data to be collected in accordance with the KKG. Only lenders within the meaning of Art. 2 KKG and only for purposes relevant to KKG have access to the IKO. The list of approved lenders is publicly available.

The content, scope and access rights of the IKO database are conclusively specified in the Ordinance on the Consumer Credit Act (VKKG).

The IKO is closely linked to the Central Office for Credit Information (ZEK) in terms of organization and personnel. However, the two bodies are legally independent of each other.

Content, scope

The basic data of the consumers are recorded: surname, first name, date of birth (day, month, year), address (street with house number, postcode, place of residence) . Depending on the type of loan, the following is then recorded: type of loan, start of contract, number of installments, gross amount of the loan or amount of leasing obligation, end of contract, amount of repayment or leasing installments, notification of default, date of notification of default . Data not stipulated in the regulation (e.g. on the characteristics of the consumer) may not be recorded in the IKO database.


Every person has the right to information about their stored data in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act . The information is usually free of charge.

Web links


  1. ^ Organization of the IKO
  2. ^ Organization ZEK