Ehinger Alb information center

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The Ehinger Alb information center in Dächingen is one of the 17 information and experience centers in the Swabian Alb biosphere area . In addition to the main information center in Auingen , these supplement the information on offer in the area, each with a different focus.

The information center

The city Ehingen (Donau) is the districts of their six subsites on the Swabian Alb member of the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve. The Ehinger Alb information center is located in the centrally located suburb of Dächingen. It is looked after by volunteers on Sundays and public holidays from Easter to the end of October.

The information center provides information on the Swabian Alb biosphere area and its partners, the Ehinger Alb and the path of reflection there . Several films are also available for this purpose.

main emphasis

The Ehinger Alb information center, which opened on April 20, 2012 as part of a community festival, focuses on reflection and spirituality . Correspondingly, banners in the light-flooded main room show pictures and texts for thought. In the meditation room , visitors can relax while watching a video show.


The information center is a partner of the biosphere area.

In 2017, the information center received the Level I certificate from ServiceQualität Deutschland, which is valid until 2020.


The team of supervisors holds readings and lectures at irregular intervals. Shorter exhibitions occasionally supplement the information offered.

2015 Photo exhibition "Religious celebrations and customs in the annual cycle"
2017 Photo exhibition "Field crosses and house saints on the Ehinger Alb"
2017 "Holy Shrines" by the artist Nikolaus Fischer

opening hours

The information center is open from Easter to the end of October on Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached by phone at 07395/9 61 30 66 during this time. Further opening times for groups and school classes as well as dates for guided hikes can be arranged.


Local agenda office in Ehingen, Rathaus Marktplatz 1, 89584 Ehingen, phone: 07391 / 503-146, email:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Opening with a public festival
  2. Partner list
  3. Service quality