Inos Biffi

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Inos Biffi (born March 24, 1934 in Lomagna ) is an Italian Roman Catholic theologian .


The doctor of theology taught as a professor of systematic theology and the history of theology at the Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale di Milano and was professor of the same subjects at the Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano . He is a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Pontifical Academy of Theology .

His areas of work are: Theological Systematics (Sacramentaria, Ecclesiology and Mariology); the history of medieval and modern theology; medieval monastic literature and theology; the work of Dante; the liturgy, especially the Ambrosian liturgy, for which he was responsible for the reform; the history of the Church of Milan.

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